Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pig Tails

Kate please don't hurt them long legs bending over, that chicken isn't worth it. Here you can, "choke" my chicken and you don't even have to bend at all. You are so fine girl, "OMG" I could starve myself for a week before eating you and still not get enough.
Yes for some you are on the tad skinny side but that is OK come Dougie on over here girl, ill make you smile. Am not the best dancer but shit I'll go to dancing school for your sexy ass. Just continue to wear the clothes you wear and show all that cleavage we will be OK.

FUCK me this picture is sexy. Top undone enough to know just what is still hiding. I will be very honest here I have never paid for a piece of ass, (hooker) nor ever will. Kate I would pay for you to talk to me, to even say hello to me. Fuck acknowledge me or something. I will give you all of the money in my wallet, (which isn't much) to just let me have a peak. What ya say, how bout it?

1 comment:

  1. Do you need me to buy you a wagon to carry your tongue around now..... lol and yeah she is to skinny Whatever happen to average girls the Olive Oil girl went out a long time ago.... Don't you men want some meat on your girls. I would think hitting bones all the time would be tiring after a while Just saying
