Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kim Yet Again

   Yes as you guessed it, although I can't stand this lady and what she stands for I am blogging her again. She is sure annoying yet knows how to stay in the public eye, so I suppose you have to give this lady some credit.
   I will say this about Kim as of right now naked, clothed, on T.V., in porn, this is the BEST I have ever seen her look. She just looks extremely sexy here with that outfit on. Many people claim she is this or that and fat and fake. She looks HOT as hell in this picture to me that is for sure. Just look at that cleavage and those eyes. Unless she is sucking her stomach in she does not look all that bad. Damn shame she isn't into white guys.
   I give you a lot of credit this time Kim, don' let it go to your head.

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