Sunday, March 2, 2014

Kelly Is Learning To Defend Herself

Since Kelly scored herself a new man we sure have been seeing a lot of her out and about lately, which isn't a bad thing at all. Here she is a few days ago leaving a Jiu Jiitsu class, Yes folks, even sexy ladies like Kelly need to learn to defend themselves at one time or another. Just think about how many weirdos probably approach her each and everyday.
There are a lot of sites that saying now that Kelly has a man she is getting fat and needs to loose weight and this and that. Look, fuck that, Kelly girl your still one the "FINEST" lady to ever come out of the U K so don't ever change. Let the haters hate. I can fully admit that every single time I see pictures of you I start to get a funny feeling and my pants seem to get somewhat tighter in a certain area.

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