Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bruce Just Looks Different

There is so much going on with Mr. Jenner these days and most of it people just isn't good. Whether its the fact that he just doesn't ever want to look old or he actually suffers from the Michael Jackson syndrome (whatever that is) Bruce is changing his appearance and its obvious. Not only did he shave his adam's apple but he also got a "girlie" hair cut, is growing out his nails and well even kind of looks like he is growing breasts.
One good thing will come out of this, he wants to finally leave the "kardashian's" TV show and Hollywood and start focusing on what he really loves to do like hang with his boys, play golf and continue his motivational speaking. This past year he hasn't been much of a figure on the show anyways, he moved to Florida and has rekindled his relationship with his sons. Good for you Bruce, get out of the Kardashian lunatic bin before its really to late.

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