Friday, December 13, 2013

Demi Lovato Use To Do Coke

So now the world knows that Demi had a coke addiction, we can now finally get on with our lives. Its hard to imagine that she feels she is over it. I mean girl, whats up with you and that blue hair. Here is what Demi revealed to Access Hollywood Live:
"I'm very, very good at manipulating people and that's something that I did in my disease; I manipulated everyone around me. With my drug use, I could hide it... I couldn't go 30 minutes to an hour without cocaine and I'd bring it on airplanes. I would smuggle it basically and just wait until everyone in first class went to sleep and just do it right there, or I'd sneak to the bathroom and I'd do it. I had a sober companion, somebody that was watching me 24/7 and living with me and I was able to hide it from them as well."
Wait! Aren't most stars and or rich people great at manipulating others and or getting away with things? Take Chris Brown Beating the shit out of Rihanna, or like Lamar and every other celebrity getting out of DUI's. I mean this shit happens daily folks.

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