Monday, October 28, 2013

50 Escapes Yet Again

Today it was announced on TMZ first that 50 cent copped a plea deal for the fight that he had with his baby's mama awhile ago. Look you might be a fan of 50 cent or ya might not be and right now neither of those things even matter. Its the fact that as an entertainer and person with a ton of money can continue to make mistakes, fuck up and yet continue to get off. It just doesn't make sense to me really,. ya do the crime than do the time. Had this been an average person he would of most likely had a trial and did some time. Because its 50 cent and he can afford the "top" lawyers he pleads to a lesser count, with the rest of the counts being dropped and gets off with a fine, some probation and a tad bit of community service. Oh and wow! They made him turn in his guns and he has to stay away from her... Remember folks this is the mother of one of his kids. This is the man that kicked her in her stomach among other things.  I suppose he feels real powerful now that he got off for striking her and wrecking some of her stuff (whether he bought it to begin with is irrelevant). You know by allowing 50 to plead to this it just shows others how screwed up this justice system really is. And yes folks I know it happens all the time but that doesn't make it right. So I suppose he feels that now he can hit another lady and get away with it yet again?

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