Monday, September 30, 2013

Kelly Shows Off Her Amazing Chest

Lets face reality people, at least 85% of the ladies in California over the age of 18 have fake breasts. Its not called the land of "silicone" for nothing right! These pictures have nothing to do with where Kelly is at to be honest., its more about the fact that she is showing off them lovely breasts of hers. The thing I like about Kelly and her fake breasts is the fact that she didn't rush into getting them at 18 just because everyone else does. She actually got some advice from a couple ladies and decided to wait tell she was absolutely sure she wanted them.
“Once I felt ready I tried on padded bras and walked around in them to see how it would feel,” she tells Shape magazine. “You have to know what you are getting, no matter what type of surgery it is.”
Kelly, girl you and your chest look amazing. At least you kept them nice and small unlike some other ladies that have got them. They really do look "perfect" on you.

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