Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Yeah Lauren Is Pregnant

What a nasty situation this is turning out to be. The pretty sexy Lauren Silverman cheated on her hubby with Mr. X-Factor himself, Simon Cowell and now wonder why her soon to be ex is pissed the fuck off. Well for starters Lauren's hubby and Simon "were" best friends. They started having an affair which they both claim Andrew knew the whole time. And yes folks this will be one very nasty divorce with probably. and rightfully Lauren getting the shaft. Even before the baby is born, which will be the first one for Simon, he will leave her. The only thing Lauren will get out of this is another kid on her own, some money and well possibly bigger tits.
Its really hard to believe any thing of what any of these 3 are saying. Each one says a different story at least a couple times a day. Its actually pretty pathetic if ya ask me. To think this should all blow over and Simon not held accountable is complete and utter bullshit. I lost just about every piece of respect I ever had for Simon.

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