Monday, July 8, 2013

Paris Can Also Party

I will just go on record saying that I warned you now, you can get use to seeing a lot of Paris the rest of this summer and I would imagine she will either be in a bikini or naked on her knees. Ya know she had to "blow" someone for that record deal she got. Than again Lil Wayne will give anyone a record deal so I guess it wasn't all that hard for her to get. Wait! What? We have to actually hear Paris on yet another album you ask, yes we sure do. Its hilarious that she feels the need to do these kind of things anymore, I mean how much embarrassment can one lady take right? Listen folks, she has to do something to keep herself in the public eye since she lost the battle to her BBF years ago. I got off track about these pictures and I apologize. She has been partying all summer long in Malibu and isn't going to stop anytime soon. Still amazes me after all these years that she has NOT got herself a boob job. them breasts of hers are smaller than well just about anyone's. Oh and for the record, that foot size of hers is also the size cock she likes.

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