Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gigi's Photo Shoot In The Desert

Before I even get to speaking about these photos it's very important for me to say that yes this young lady is only 17, and no I am not lying.  Now of course when modeling they make you look all pretty with the whole make-up thing and doing the hair and all so its no surprise that Gigi here actually looks about 23 or so. The body this young lady has is simply amazing, I mean come on people just look at those perky breasts and that sexy ass. Its hard to imagine that her mother was actually on set and gave her daughter permission to even do some of this set topless. I could probably write some more regarding these pictures but I really don't want to get in trouble. In closing I will say I would bet every last dime I have on the fact that Gigi has a very promising career in the modeling bis.

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