Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kim Goes French

 First and foremost, for anyone that honestly believes these pictures are of the "real" Kim your fucking lame. Kim has NEVER been this skinny in her life nor will she ever be. What a shitty Photoshop job someone did on these. 
On to better things. Not sure she has heard the news yet, but for everyone else Kim is Not the "most desirable lady" anymore. In fact she has fell like 90 places just barely making the list at all. What a fucking tragedy right? Who in the fuck cares. On so many levels she doesn't deserve to even be in the top 500. I mean come on anyone that dates Kanye isn't worthy, and having your mom whore you out to get famous isn't worthy either. Hey Kim go do another porn it might put ya back in the top 10 for next year.

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