Monday, October 15, 2012

Lindsay Can't Decide

Talk about someone that has more issues than this country. Lindsay was seen out last week fist fighting with her mom, (of course her cracked out mom kicked her ass). So she called and cried to her dad than got mad at him and doesn't ever want to talk to him again. Talk about being fucked up, first your mom is dead to you now your mom is back alive but your dad is dead to you. Can everyone say fucked up family? If that weren't enough problems now she is touring the country promoting her made for TV movie about Liz Taylor (which looks like it sucks), she is voting Republican (dumb bitch) and she still needs to promote that other movie she made with the porn star that looks even stupider than the Liz Taylor movie. Oh did I mention she is also going to sit down with Barbra Walters in a couple weeks? One fucked up kid for sure that Lindsay is.

1 comment:

  1. WTF is wrong with voting Republican When I was able to vote for the very first time it was for Ronald Reagan and the Reagan years was good.
