Monday, August 27, 2012

I Think its About Time

Over the last few days Mr. Armstrong learned that he would be stripped of his 7 titles that he won in the "Tour De France" by the USADA. A few problems here with the whole situation and well lets talk about them. On one hand I think its sad, this man overcame testicular cancer and won the "Tour De France" 7 straight years in a row. On the other hand if he truly is a doper than he is getting what he deserves. Lance has announced that he will accept the punishment and no longer fight. In my eyes that is pretty much giving the fuck up and saying, yes I am guilty and no longer wish to fight this battle. He has sworn all along that he has NEVER taken any kind of drug and the tests were all bogus, if that is true why in the fuck would you give up a fight? I will tell you this much if I was innocent I would fight tell the day I died.
 This story and situation is sad regardless but the truth is it happens everyday and in every sport. The players in baseball that have been caught and suspended should also have their World Series Rings and or stats stripped. Why are they any different than Lance? The last 10 years of sports has been ruined by drugs, bad officiating and just nasty people. We do NOT deserve to have Barry Bonds as our home run leader, nor does A-ROID deserve a World Series Ring.
I think it is fucking pathetic they only suspend these players yet they took Pete Rose's whole career from him. How is betting when your a coach worse than taking steroids as a player? They both harm the game and rip off the fans. Just think about the kids that look up to these players and think its cool in their teenage years to take steroids to become better players.

Its fucking pathetic that we as people have to pay these high insane prices to go to a sporting event knowing that half or more of the players are fucking dopers or cheating. The owners just continue to make money without a fucking care in the world when it comes to the fans. And lets please not even talk about the refs.

1 comment:

  1. I think its bull shit here is a man that survived cancer and because someone claimed to see him take a pill.. Did they think maybe the pill he popped was one of the medicines he is on for his illness. Every test he ever took came back negative and look at all the test he has taken due to his condition. ..I really do not see him doing any type of drugs after all he has went through but hey I have been wrong about people before. As for him not fighting anymore maybe he just feels it does not matter people are going to think and say whatever they please about him.. If he denies it he is lying if he says nothing its true. The guy can't win so why waste his energy and trying to make people believe something when they have already decided on what they think
