Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Would You Rather

OK, so here is the deal. You can only choose one answer and or reason. Leave your answers and comments below

Would you rather be given a billion dollars in cash right now so that you could live your life, give to your family and kids and set up some generations with money while having tons of fun along the way. Being able to do any dam thing you ever wanted and or desired. Remember with this billion dollars comes a promise that you have to sign. You will take the money gladly knowing that in exactly 10 years you will be dead


Would you rather live your life (however long you live) just barely getting by? Working whatever job you decided on in life, could never make over 100,000 a year. .Every day problems occur, maybe even filling bankrupt a time or 2. Not being your own boss, people always trying to tell you what you should do and or how you should live your life. Doing the damn best that you can do to raise your family and pray that each one of them take the "right path" in life. At least you lived your life however long it lasted. Even if you lived to be 90.

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