Sunday, August 14, 2011


 Ok so here is the deal: lately I have been putting up a lot of ladies that sometimes are on the so called skinny side. This lady right here is very pretty accept for me she is way to skinny. Me having a " belly" id probably kill this lady if I laid on top of her. Come here Tiffany let me feed you for a few months than we can talk.

Fucking hilarious she is trying to "strut" her stuff like her shit doesn't stink or something. Give me a fucking break young lady you are NOT all that. Don't try and push them tits acting like there is more than what you actually have.


  1. skinny is being nice Im sorry but when you can see bones (especially hip bones) that is just gross.......Wonder if she even knows what food look likes

  2. Yeah she has a very pretty face... but I bet she makes a lot of fucking money modelling... they seem to like skeletons
