Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kardashian Sisters

 I just had to post these. Every single time that I might feel Kourtney looks better than Kim she goes and wears something like this. Who in the fuck dressed you this morning honey? You should of at least washed the sleep out of your eyes and realized what you had on before you left the house. I hate to say it but you really should take lessons on how to dress from your sister Kim.

Oh don't you worry Khloe nobody forgot about your nasty ass. Please let me ask you what in the FUCK are you wearing? You look like the neon good year blimp. I guess your fat ass doesn't have to worry about flying away huh? Hey Lamar you married a fucking an amazon of a lady at least you can do is teach your nasty ass bitch how to dress. Fucking disgusting I tell you. The saddest part of this picture is in her eyes she actually think she looks good.

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