Wednesday, July 6, 2011


  This case in every aspect just disgusts me to no end. Its bad enough that all she is in trouble for is lying but now you have jurors saying they knew she was guilty yet they voted not guilty for her. I understand the proof was just not there in all aspects but come on what about child endangerment and negligence and well throw in hiding the body among other things.
  Its pathetic that come tomorrow this lady will probably walk free, and when let free they will try and protect her. Id throw her out the door and let whatever happens happen. She is a disgrace to the human race yet because of the media frenzy and all she will most likely make a ton of money. Honestly makes me want to puke when I think about it.
 They also showed letters she wrote to a friend in jail saying how she wants to have another kid now and the both of them should get pregnant together. Are you fucking kidding me? If I was the judge shed have to get fixed to get out of jail. No more kids period for this BITCH.


  1. It so sucks that she is getting away with the murdering of her child however as much as we want to blame someone. You can't blame the jury If you want to blame anyone blame the attorney or even the media. Who in my opinion should of stayed out of it. Why could the prosecutors just give us the cause of death? If they would of just giving us that I really think the verdict would have been guilty. Why did the defensive attorney be so damn wishy washy with all his crap? The Jury did the best they could with the evidence that was giving to them. Do I want to walk up to her and give her a piece of my mind damn straight. NOW she is going to get all kinds of royalties off the death of her child and that pisses me off...........

  2. Why could the prosecutors just give us the cause of death?

    Had they been able to establish the cause of death she would of been found guilty.
    I take it you did NOT follow this case much.
