Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baby Killer

 I sat here reading the news this morning and became seriously disgusted in this country and the justice system that we have. This case right here is a tall tale sign of it just as with the O J case. The media gets involved and everything goes out the door. They are allowed to print stuff and say whatever they want to say.
 This bitch is guilty and she knows it, yet all she was convicted for was lying? Give me a break. And you know she will do no jail time because she has already done 3 years and the most they will give her is 4 years so she will get let out and off the hook for time served. They should strangle this lady and throw her in the woods to let the animals eat her, isn't that what she did to her daugther? How in the fuck does your kid drown, and you throw her in the woods with your father,(an ex cop) and try to make it look like a murder and still be able to live with yourself.
 FUCK YOU Casey Anthony I hope you rot in hell.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is so very sad. What about the innocent life lost? She lied? BIG FUCKING DEAL... she killed her child. When I saw the news every one of the jurors refused to comment (I wonder why). What? There wasn't enough evidence? Covering up a murder wasn't enough evidence? Just because the cause of death couldn't be determined? I wonder how much that free ride cost? Because SOMEONE was paid off!
